Co$tingNature: Example applications
The following are applications of Co$ting Nature by us or by partners. Some take the form of links to reports summarising a significant body of work, others are simple applications of the tool produced within an hour of work.
See example application blog posts by users of this tool here
Madagascar: understanding conservation priority and the impacts of projected land use change on biodiversity and ecosystem service provision (for ESPA)
The Amazon: understanding water and environmental security with climate change as a threat multiplier (for CDKN)
The Amazon: understanding ecosystem service trade-offs with agriculture within the context of REDD (for GCP)
Coello, Colombia: understanding the impact of proposed mining on the suite of ecosystem services (for CGIAR)
Conservation trade-offs for Colombia: which are the top priority areas for conservation, now and in the future
Conservation trade-offs and land use change projections for northern Borneo: which are the top priority areas for conservation, now and in the future
Conservation priorities and trade-offs under current and projected land use for western Zambia: which are the top priority areas for conservation, now and in the future
Impacts of progressive deforestation on biodiversity and ecosystem services, the Amazon
The significance of the Yasuni National Park and its future under scenarios of deforestation and conservation associated with Yasuni-ITT
The relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem service provision at sites throughout the world