Contact us
General enquiries
Help and training with use of software
Working through some of our training videos will help you to use the system - which is very easy to use. If you need further help contact
Use of results and intellectual property
If using the results of these tools in published papers please contact us before submission so that we can check interpretation of the results. If intending to use these tools significantly for funded research projects then check with us before proposal submission.
Requests for new features
A number of ongoing projects are developing new models and features. These are available in development versions of the tools. Let us know which features you would like to see and/or beta test.
Co-designed policy support
As web-based policy support tools, these are co-designed with our users. Do you frequently apply these tools? Is there functionality that could be better for your applications? Is there missing functionality? We have funding to continue co-designing new features and improve existing features. Let us know what you think and need and we may be able to work with you to co-design and then implement those features that are popular.