Training videos

Function by function (English)

Creating a free account

Logging in and choosing the interface: Scientist and Licensed User, creating accounts (0h38m24s)

Step 1: Define area

Step 1 Define area (0m40s)

Running an analysis over a named major basin (watershed)

Step 2: Prepare Data

Use alternative SIMTERRA input maps (0h0m40s)

Masking data (1h23m56s)

Masking an area by a region of interest (ROI) (2m28s)

Define (and mask by) watersheds of points (Regions of interest) (0h2m37s)

Investigating input maps - show workspace data (6m33s)

Examining the input data, for example Landsat 2000 Treecover (1h27m14s)

Set your own land use data for baseline using % values (0h4m49s)

Set your own land use data for baseline using system values (-) (0h11m46s)

Using the QUICKLUCC land use change model, projecting forward deforestation for 50 years from GFC (0h1m7s)

Comparing deforestation datasets (0h3m12s)

Target a scenario to occur outside of protected areas (0h5m10s)

Check what has changed in a scenario that you have built (0h6m52s)

Set up climate change mean of all models scenario for RCP4.5 (0h8m51s)

Step 3: Start simulation

Write monthly output maps option (7m44s)

Index Co$ting Nature values locally to study region or globally to Earth

Manage Simulations

Selecting previous runs and managing simulations (8m45s)

Deleting old simulations to free up space (1h20m55s)

Looking at a previously saved run. Looking at monthly impacts (1h55m31s)

Step 4: Policy exercises

Climate Change scenarios(1h14m53s)

Set-up Climate change RCP8.5 single GCM

Set up climate change mean of all models scenario for RCP4.5 (0h8m51s)

Land Cover and Land Use Change (1h20m57s)

Run land use change model (including multiple deforestation monitoring products and management effectiveness) (0h6m55s)

Comparing deforestation datasets (0h3m12s)

Run land use change model - deforestation (0h0m0s)

Run progressive deforestation scenarios (0h7m38s)

Target a scenario to occur outside of protected areas (0h5m10s)

Conversion of forest to pasture a specific protected area

Conversion to cropland where agricultural suitability is high

Simple conversion of forest to pasture in protected areas

Land and Water Management options (1h53m18s)

Land and Water Management, bench terraces, scenario by uploading your own maps (1h27m27s)

Extractive Scenarios for mining concessions and Oil and Gas. (1h29m15s)

Population growth and urbanisation scenarios (1h29m54s)

Change input maps (1h54m10s), Replace input maps (1h28m7s)

Show baseline and scenario, List alternative workspace data and compare to baseline (1h17m9s)

Check what has changed in a scenario that you have built (0h6m52s)

Use stack scenario option (0h8m32s)

Compare alternatives (compares baseline and multiple alternatives for a given map)

Set your own land use data for scenario through Step 4: policy exercise (0h13m57s)

Step 5: Results maps

Results list (1h40m8s)

The map view window (7m26s)

View map results aggregated by area class eg mean by protected area (view by)

Change map colour scales

Examining water balance (10m37s)

Examining water quality (11m5s)

Examining runoff (11m54s)

Viewing in Google maps/Earth (8m50s)

Query value at a point on a map

Query input components for a map at a point (12m40s)

Examining change from the baseline (2h2m57s)

Examining monthly maps, view and download (1h5m50s)

Citation information (1h39m5s)

Permalink for export of (google) maps (1h48m29s)

Analyse map - scatterplot and stats (1h49m39s)


Regions of interest (copy/paste points of interest and show on output maps) (0h18m30s)

POIs ROIs and ZOIs (1h11m10s)

Create ZOI with bounding box (0h0m0s)

Create ZOI based on rule

Produce map statistics for active ZOIs

Uploading AOIs (0h1m36s)

Step 6: Results stats

Results time series (1h51m41s)

Step 7: Results narrative

Results narrative (1h52m31s)

Questions and Answers

Running the model over multiple tiles and combining using ArcMap and ArcHydro or SagaGIS (1h32m36s)

Run times in new areas (1h38m43s)

Free version and licensed features (1h36m15s)