Conservation prioritisation in the Manu Amarakaeri Corridor (Madre de Dios, Peru)

Co$ting Nature v2.49 was applied to examining the pressures,threats and conservation priorities in the Manu Amarakaeri Corridor in consultation with Nature Services Peru. We mask the results for non-protected areas to examine the corridor. Below are a series of the output maps and explanations.

Ecosystem Services

Carbon services index - higher in the NE because of greater soil carbon

Water services index - low throughout because of low demand for water services

Natural hazard mitigation services index - Relative hazard mitigation services for flood/drought, landslide/erosion, inundation/tsunami/cyclone according to relative risk protected against. Low except around the town because of lack of population, infrastructure etc

Realised bundled services index - Total realised services including water, carbon, nature based tourism and hazard mitigation services. Sites of service production, low except where local services are high (populated areas)

Ratio of locally to globally realised services - all the beenfits are global except in the SW (populations) and NE (flood mitigation services)

Pressures and Threats

Pressure index - Current pressure according to population, wildfire frequency, grazing intensity, agricultural intensity, dam density, infrastructure (dams,mines,oil and gas, urban) density

Threat index - Future threat according to accessibility, proximity to recent deforestation (MODIS), projected change in population and GDP, projected climate change, current distribution of nighttime lights

Recent deforestation

Projected forest loss (next 20 years) based on recent deforestation

Pressured SRLI range size rarity (endemism) for redlisted mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds

Threatened SRLI range size rarity (endemism) for redlisted mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds

REDD+ indicators

Currently pressured carbon stock index - High carbon stock areas with high current agricultural, infrastructural and other anthropogenic pressure

Threatened carbon stock index - High carbon stock areas with high future agricultural, infrastructural and other anthropogenic threat

Pressured SRLI species - Species subject to high current agricultural, infrastructural and other anthropogenic pressure

Threatened SRLI species - Species subject to high future agricultural, infrastructural and other anthropogenic threat


SRLI species richness - for redlisted mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds

SRLI range size rarity (endemism) - for redlisted mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds

Relative biodiversity priority index - combines endemism and richness

Conservation priority

Delphic conservation priority index - Conservation priority by overlap of EBAs (Birdlife), Global200 Ecoregions (WWF), Hotspots (CI), Last of the Wild (WCS,CIESIN), Important Bird Areas (Birdlife) and Key Biodiversity areas (IUCN, BI, PI,CI)

Relative conservation priority index - Pressured and threatened conservation priority areas with high realised service provision